迪拜著名的五星级时尚酒店之一 | 迪拜范思哲宫殿酒店
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迪拜范思哲宫殿酒店被誉为“16 世纪的意大利皇宫”,是融合阿拉伯建筑风格的新古典主义惊世杰作。酒店引人瞩目的入口、高高矗立的穹顶、整洁优美的花园以及一系列精美的意式家具,让其成为范思哲生活方式有力的代言人。

迪拜范思哲宫殿酒店位于文化村的中心,坐落于历史悠久的迪拜河河岸,交通便利 - 距离迪拜国际机场仅 15 分钟路程,而且只需 8 分钟就能抵达迪拜塔和迪拜市中心。抵达酒店后,首先映入眼帘的是引人注目、采用大理石马赛克制成的标志性美杜莎 (Medusa) 头像和呼之欲出的希腊装修风格。穿过五星级酒店的公共区域,House of Versace 独家设计的图案和织物便近在咫尺。酒店四周环绕风景如画的花园,在礁湖和池塘映衬下,显得更加宁静祥和,无愧为休闲旅行者豪华的世外桃源。

迪拜范思哲宫殿酒店共有 215 间客房和套房、169 间公寓,房间的每件装饰品均由 House of Versace 为酒店独家设计。酒店共有 8 个餐厅和酒吧,每一个都饰有象征宫殿般高雅的壁画露台,每一处内部庭院都是您非正式约会、聚餐和赏景的绝佳场所。三个饰有马赛克滤镜的户外泳池,四周环绕棕榈树和鲜花。 风景优美的花园,及俯瞰迪拜河和天际线的视角,让这座豪华酒店成为婚礼及社交活动的理想场所。


酒店共 215 间客房和套房,每间客房都洋溢着经典的意式风情,诠释着范思哲品牌的真谛。这里每件物品的品质都极致上乘:拼花地板、搭配乳白色细木油画画框的画布,更有柔和的丝绸饰物加以点缀。





Beautiful afternoon tea celebration package!!

I booked the afternoon tea celebration package for my friends birthday (4 of us in total) - the service and quality of food was exceptional! The table was beautifully decorated and Mohamad (Manager at Mosaico) ensured that the whole experience was so special... from personalised coffees to complimentary spa vouchers! Thank you so much for a wonderful afternoon - it was an experience we will not forget.


Mosaico lounge

Such a good time in Versace. I’ll never forget my experience in lobby Mosaico Lounge with glass of golden cappuccino and live opera singer performance. Such a gorgeous and elegant atmosphere here. Then I moved to Giardino restaurant and enjoyed an amazing diner, the variation of the menu is soooo wide, you can find here almost everything. And my favorite part is deserts


Monday Ladies Day

We had the most amazing day at Palazzo Versace! Great thanks to the staff and especially to John for taking a good care of us throughout the whole day! Place is amazing, but such a great service all together create the best experience for customer. Thank you John and Palazzo Versace! We’ll definitely come back soon ❤️

Anastasiia P

Perfect Vacation in this crazy time

Spent last week at the Palazzo Versace in Dubai. Not only we received superb service it made us feel as we are back to normal life. The hotel is extremely clean and safe with meticulous attention to details and great taste - staff's safety face masks are part of the hotel high end decore and fashion. Especial thanks to Manny, Giardino manager, who makes you feel very special. This is a stunning place getting away from everyday life, COVID19, elections, and so on. The spa is a must to emphasize the feelings


Hotel Versace

Hotel Versace in Dubai is one of the best hotels in the Emirate of Dubai, as it is characterized by its views and its strategic location in the Emirates of Dubai. It also has employees who deal with customers in a sophisticated and noble manner, including the employee Sana, who received us with great appreciation and respect and helped us in some matters as she gave us a beautiful and elegant picture of the hotel (for you Thank you very much).

Simo R

酒店坐落在文化村 (Culture Village) 区,四周环绕风景秀美的花园,而且紧邻迪拜河畔步行街。驱车几分钟就能抵达迪拜国际机场,距离迪拜塔 (Burj Khalifa) 和市中心仅不到 10 分钟的路程。

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